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Innovation &


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of women feel their health issues are not taken seriously
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have felt embarrassed experiencing female health symptoms in public
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as many women as men choose self-care over consultations.
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was the first year women were included in clinical trials

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A first-of-its-kind women’s health innovation partner

We help you build products for women, with women.
We help you build products for women, with women. We empower brands to develop new and improved products. Our services are highly targeted at a diverse group of women and non-binary people.

Our consumer intelligence points us to the white spaces where women’s health needs aren’t being met. Unfabled Labs informed the product development and strategy of our own range of women’s health products. Using generative insight focus groups, surveys and social listening, Unfabled Labs identified a gap in the market and developed a range of specific products to fill it.

The historic omission of women from the health industry has created a data vacuum that underpins the gender health gap – we're here to fix that.

If women aren’t even speaking to doctors about their needs, traditional innovation methods – that aren’t rooted in community & trust – cannot uncover valuable insights. As a result, brands do not have access to the insights and channels required to build effective solutions.

This leaves product development stagnant in an $1T industry, with women underserved and their needs unmet.

Unfabled Labs is a consumer insights and research platform designed to accelerate innovation in the women’s health and wellbeing industry.

Want to learn more?

Email to receive the full info pack on how Unfabled Labs can support your innovation.